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DCC and Sound Installation Service

When it comes to DCC sound installation TopHobbyTrains is your number one choice.  Our DCC sound installation packages are all inclusive providing model railroaders the best value for their purchase.  TopHobbyTrains uses the finest decoders LokSound, Soundtraxx, Digitrax & TCS to achieve top rated results.  We prototype each package locomotive to ensure reproducible sound and lighting from each of our sound packages.  Our steam locomotive and diesel sound modification packages are a hit with model railroaders around the world.  No hit or miss just great sound and stunning lighting effects.  Whether it be N Scale, HO Scale we are your number one choice in DCC.

Displaying products 1 - 12 of 12 results
FEF-Big Boy THT Kato Sound Package
THT Kato Big Boy or FEF 4-8-4 Sound Sound Package for the Kato N Scale Northern Steam Loco (N Scale) - Loco not included
Price: From $229.99 to $235.99
THT Kato Big Boy or FEF 4-8-4 Sound  Sound Package for the Kato N Scale Northern Steam Loco (N Scale) - Loco not included
TopHobbyTrains Kato N Scale Northern Sound Package