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071 00 591 89' 4" TOFC flat car - Providence & Worcester 105464 N Scale Micro-Trains

071 00 591 89' 4" TOFC flat car - Providence & Worcester 105464
Price: $37.95
TopHobbyTrains Super Discount Price: $28.08
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 Providence and Worster - 105464 - N Scale

Rel. 8/2022

Built in 1978 by Pullman-Standard for Providence & Worcester, these 89’ flat cars with Barber Roller Bearing trucks were used for Trailer on Flat Car service through the 1980s. Providence & Worcester was founded in 1844, and in 1892, the New Haven leased the P&W for 99 years. When New Haven merged into Penn Central in the later 1960s, P&W was released from the lease deal and became a separate entity, and is now owned and operated by Genesee & Wyoming.

Item Number: MTL 071 00 591
Manufacturer: Micro-Trains
Mfr Part No: MTL/071 00 591

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